NABE Western Region Representative

Cristina Alfaro, Ph.D.
Cristina Alfaro, Ph.D. is Associate Vice President of Global Affairs at San Diego State University. Dr. Alfaro is Professor and Past Chair of the Dual Language and English Learner Education Department in the College of Education where she has championed and led the largest bilingual teacher education-social justice-based program in the state of California.
She is a nationally and internationally recognized scholar in the field of democratic cultural and linguistic diversity education. Dr. Alfaro is also the Director of the Formadores de Docentes Binacionales, a project that addresses the needs of the Students We Share between the Mexico/U.S. border.
Alfaro is the recipient of the San Diego County Office of Education Biliteracy Leadership Award, College of Education Excellence in Teaching Award, the National Outstanding Latina in Higher Education Award, and the Gomez-Morin Global Education Award.
Her background as a biliteracy teacher, school administrator, Department Chair, and Provost Chair have served her well in providing professional development in creating and implementing Equity Based Dual Language Schools. As a researcher she has examined and published on the role of ideological and pedagogical practices that situate equity within broader efforts to disrupt the racialization of K-16 Latinx and other minoritized student groups and communities.